Fuel Efficient Cars: Observe Temperature Working Machines

Fuel Efficient Cars
If we use a used car or old, try to look at our car engine working temperature. See the needle temperature instructions on the instrument panel. Try also a time to ask the authorized repair shop or join the mailing list or similar car clubs to ask at what point our engine temperature under normal conditions. If the temperature needle indicates a lower temperature for example, only a quarter (normally half), then there are the following possibilities:

1. Thermostat has been revoked: Making the engine work in cold conditions, usually because of overheating have occurred on the machine, so the thermostat removed. Solution: Install the thermostat according to the size of the factory recommended temperature.

2. Thermostat jammed: Occurs when the thermostat is damaged so it is always in condition to open. Solution: Replace the thermostat according to the size of the factory recommended temperature.

3. Low-temperature thermostat work: As a result of using a thermostat that low working temperature makes the machine work at a temperature low employment. Solution: Replace the thermostat according to the size of the factory recommended temperature.

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